NICeMail Settings
NICeMail Settings offers you extensive customization options to manage your preferences based on various parameters. You can choose your preferences for your account and also make it convenient for your usage by applying the necessary settings.
Click the respective links to explore the various options available in each section:
NICeMail Unified Settings - View and customize the NICeMail Services dashboard by clicking the Settings icon in the top right corner. Here, you can enable or disable the widgets, configure display and appearances, language preferences, notifications, and navigate to your account settings.
System and Appearance - You can manage the basic system and appearance settings, like the Startup settings, default view, number of emails shown per page, default font used, etc in this section.
Compose - You can manage the outgoing mail-related settings like Outbox settings, outgoing font settings, request receipt settings, etc.
Themes - You can choose the theme for your NICeMail account here.
Keyboard Shortcuts - You can enable default or Customized Keyboard shortcuts on this page. In case you have been using an email client and used to the Keyboard shortcuts there, you can customize the NICeMail Keyboard shortcuts to match your previous email clients' keyboard shortcuts.
Filters - You can set up Filters/ Rules which automatically classify the emails into different folders based on the criteria set in the filters.
Send Mail As - You can set up different 'From addresses' and associate different addresses with various accounts.
Signatures - You can set up multiple Signatures to match your different roles and set up default signatures for different From addresses you use.
Vacation Reply - You can configure Vacation Reply/ Auto Response message for your account, based on a particular duration and sending interval.
Manage Mailbox Storage - This section explains the options available to monitor and manage your mail account storage.
NICeMail Unified Settings Interface
You can manage the default widgets, create custom widgets and have them arranged and organized based on your requirement from the Workplace Settings. You can also customize the display language, appearance and notifications settings from the NICeMail's unified settings interface.
To access the NICeMail Settings:
- Log in to your NICeMail account
- Click on the Settings
The Workplace Settings will open and you can configure the settings as necessary based on your need. To navigate to Mail Settings, click on the Mail tab from the Workplace Settings interface.
Language Setting
The NICeMail interface supports a total of 22 languages. You can select the language of your preference by navigating to Settings > General > Language. Choose your preferred language and refresh the browser to see the change in effect. You can also change the display language from your Mail settings. Learn more
Display and Appearance Settings
You can customize the way your NICeMail interface from the Display and Appearance section of the Workplace Settings. The display font, theme and appearance can be customized based on your preference.
Display Font Options
To change the display font for the NICeMail interface:
- Log in to your NICeMail account
- Click on the Settings icon on top-right corner.
- Go to General > Display and Appearance > Display font options
- Choose the preferred font from the options provided:
- Lato
- PT Sans
- Arial
- ZohoPuvi
To change the theme of the NICeMail interface:
- Log in to your NICeMail account.
- Click on the Settings icon on top-right corner.
- Go to General > Display and Appearance > Themes
- Choose the Dark/ Light theme for the left panel.
- Choose the color theme for the NICeMail interface.
To switch the appearance between Day and Night modes:
- Log in to your NICeMail account
- Click on the Settings icon on top-right corner.
- Go to General > Display and Appearance > Appearance
- Choose the preferred mode from the options provided:
- Use system default
- Light mode
- Dark mode
Notifications Setting
You can choose to customize the notification settings to enable or disable the desktop and application level notifications.
Ensure that the browser level permission is allowed for you to receive the desktop notifications from NICeMail applications.
To allow or restrict the notifications:
- Log in to your NICeMail account
- Click on the Settings icon on top-right corner.
- Go to General > Notifications
- Use the check-boxes provided against each application to enable the Desktop or Application level notifications.
- You can also choose to enable/ disable all the notifications by using the check-box provided beside the Desktop notifications or Application notifications on the header.
Keyboard Shortcuts
The Keyboard Shortcuts in NICeMail Services provide you with the option of easy navigation within the NICeMail interface using some key presses on your keyboard. You can also customize the keyboard shortcuts for your Mail application from the Mail Settings. Learn more
To enable/ disable Keyboard shortcuts:
- Log in to your NICeMail account
- Click on the Settings icon on top-right corner.
- Go to General > Keyboard Shortcuts
- Turn ON/ OFF the toggle switch to enable/ disable the keyboard shortcuts.
Manage Apps and Widgets
Applications Management
If you are not using an application and wanted it to be removed from the Workplace interface, you can also choose to disable the app. To disable an app, navigate to Settings
> General > Manage Apps and Widgets > Turn OFF the toggle switch against the application. Click Disable on the confirmation dialog box.Once disabled, you can find these apps under the Disabled apps section. You can enable them back by turning ON the toggle switch when needed.
The App Disable option will be available only for the organisations that are assigned with the Productivity tools in addition to Mail application. Default applications (i.e., GovDrive (available based on the policy assigned to an organisation), and Zia Search) cannot be disabled.
Widget Management
The widgets on the NICeMail Dashboard provide you with insights from each of the application in NICeMail. There are default widgets from each application and in addition to them you can also create custom widgets based on your requirement.
You can also choose to disable the default widgets that are not required and delete the custom widgets you create.
To rearrange the widgets:
- Log in to your NICeMail account
- Click on the Settings icon on top-right corner.
- Go to General > Manage Apps and Widgets
- Click and hold the widget you wish to reorder
- Drag and drop in the desired position
You can also re-arrange the widgets by dragging and dropping them in the NICeMail Dashboard.
To enable/ disable a widget:
- Log in to your NICeMail account
- Click on the Settings icon on top-right corner.
- Go to General > Manage Apps and Widgets
- Turn off the toggle switch against the widget you want to disable.
These widgets can be found under the Disabled widgets section and you can have them enabled as and when necessary based on your requirement.
Create Custom Widgets
- Log in to your NICeMail account
- Click on the Settings icon on top-right corner.
- Go to General > Manage Apps and Widgets
- Click on the Create Custom Widgets option
- Choose the application from the drop-down
- Choose the respective element from the application to be added as a widget
- You can create multiple custom widgets at once, and have them added to the Workplace Dashboard
- Once you choose them, click Create.
You can delete a custom widget by navigating to Settings
> General > Manage Apps and Widgets > Widgets. Click on the Delete icon next to the widget.You can also create a custom widget by clicking on the + icon at the bottom right corner of the Workplace Dashboard.
Account Settings
The NICeMail Account settings can also be accessed by clicking on the Account Settings. You can edit your account details, manage your account security by generating backup codes, monitor your session history, etc. from your NICeMail Accounts page.