Bulk Activities

Bulk Activities allow you to perform certain operations where an action is required to be performed for multiple users simultaneously. This enables administrators to efficiently manage a large number of user accounts by applying changes or performing actions in bulk, rather than manually repeating the same actions for each user. With bulk activities, administrators can streamline the process of managing user-related operations, saving time and effort. 

Using Bulk Activities

You can create a CSV file using any spreadsheet application, including all the necessary details for performing these bulk operations. A Sample CSV file will be provided under each bulk operation during the import process. The format for entering the required details in the CSV file can be found in this sample file for easy data input. By using the sample CSV file, you can ensure that your data is correctly mapped with the default headers available. 

Follow the below steps to perform a bulk action:

  1. Login to https://mailadmin.mgovcloud.in/.  
  2. In the Organization menu, select Bulk Activities.
  3. Click the Schedule new activity button from the top menu.
  4. Select the preferred action that you want to perform from the Select Operation drop-down:
    • Reset password
    • Update account expiry date
  5. Click the Browse Files button and upload the .csv file containing the necessary details to perform the chosen bulk action. 


    • You can import a maximum of 1000 entries via CSV file at once in the mentioned bulk actions.
    • Download the sample CSV file containing default headers and placeholders to view the correct format for entering information needed to delete users in bulk.
  6. On the Mapping page, you can rearrange the headers as needed between the following fields:
    • Unmapped Headers - Contains headers other than the default headers.
    • Headers Mapping - Displays the default headers versus the headers available in the CSV file which you uploaded. Based on the bulk action, the important headers required to perform the action will be mandatory.
  7. Drag and drop the Unmapped Headers to the Headers Mapping based on your preference.
  8. Click a header to revert it from the mapped headers to the Unmapped Headers field.
  9. Once done, click Proceed.
  10. All the details listed in your CSV file will be displayed for you to carefully review or update on the Preview Page.
  11. Hover over the values that are in red and click the Edit icon to enter the correct value.
  12. Once done, select the rows that you want to import from the list and click Proceed.
  13. In the Import page, enter a Name and your preferred Notification Email Address for your import.
  14. After setting up your import preferences, click Start.
  15. Click the Proceed button and verify your identity to confirm your action.
  16. Once verified, the import process will begin.


  • Every time you perform a bulk action, it is mandatory to re-authenticate your session using the MFA (Multi-Factor Authentication) method configured on your account for security purposes.
  • If you do not have MFA configured for your account, you will be prompted to re-authenticate your session using your account password in a new tab or window, depending on your browser preference.

The import status page will appear, displaying whether the import is in progress or has been completed successfully, along with the number of successful and failed actions. If the status doesn't refresh automatically, you can click the Refresh icon.

Below, you'll find a detailed list of successful and failed actions for each individual user. If the specified bulk action can't be processed for certain users, they'll be marked as Failed under the status column. Once the import process is completed, an email notification will be sent to the provided email address.


  • The account expiry date can only be set to a future date.
  • Resetting a user's password automatically logs them out of all devices.
  • Once the password has been reset, users can reset their password using the Forgot Password option to access their account. Learn More.