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Reasons an email is marked as Spam

NICeMail's spam filtering process includes identifying and classifying any harmful emails as spam based on various parameters. Your incoming emails are ideally filtered based on the user spam settings or organization spam control settings made by you or your admin to separate the spam emails from the genuine emails in your inbox.

There are many possible reasons why an email is marked as spam and is in your spam folder. You can view these reasons when you open an email in the Spam folder. In case, it is a genuine email that ended up in your Spam folder by mistake, you can undo it based on the reason it was marked as spam and prevent it from happening again by following the instructions in this help document.  

Sender's email is listed in your email blocklist

If this reason is displayed then it means you have added the sender’s email address to Blocklist in your Anti-spam settings. If you want to remove the email address from the Blocklist or move to Allowlist:

  1. Go to NICeMail Settings >> Anti-Spam  >>Email Address.
  2. Under the Email Address tab, all the email addresses in your Allowlist and Blocklist will be displayed.
  3. Select the email address you wish to remove from your Blocklist.
  4. Click the arrow icon to move the email address added to Blocklist to the Allowlist.
  5. You can also click the delete button to remove the email address from your Blocklist.
     UI screenshot of allow and blocklisted emails

The sending domain is listed in your domain Blocklist

If this reason is displayed, then the email is in your spam folder because the sending domain is in your Blocklist. If you want to move it to the Allowlist:

  1. Go to NICeMail Settings >> Anti-Spam >> Domain.
  2. Under the Domains tab, all the allowed and blocked domains will be listed.
  3. Select the domain you wish to remove from your Blocklist.
  4. Click the arrow icon to move a blocked domain to the Allowlist.
     UI screenshot of blocklisted domains

The email language is in your Blocklist

This reason is displayed if an incoming email contains a language which is blocked by your language filter in spam settings. To remove the language filter:

  1. Navigate to Settings >> Anti-Spam >> Language filter.
  2. Under the Language Filter tab, all your blocked languages are listed.
  3. Select the language you wish to remove from the list and click the delete icon.
  4. You can also choose the none option to remove all language filters in spam.
    UI screenshot of blocklisted language


Please get in touch with your Delegated/ Department administrator for the below-mentioned reasons.

  • Marked as Spam via Filter conditions
  • Sender email is in blocklist for this group
  • Sender email is in your organization's Blocked List
  • Sender domain is in your organization's Blocked List
  • IP address or range is in your organization's blocked list
  • Sending domain's TLD is in the blocklist of your organization
  • The country from which the email was sent is blocked by your organization
  • The email language is your organization's blocked list
  • HTML tags based spam errors
  • Content-based Spam errors
  • Spoofing attempt made using the Display name