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Quarantined Emails 

Quarantined emails in NICeMail are those identified as potentially harmful or suspicious during the security scanning process. These emails are isolated in a secure location and must be reviewed before any further action is taken to prevent them from reaching the recipient's inbox or being sent externally. The security system filters and quarantines emails for the following reasons:

  • Detection of malware: Our scanning system checks for any malicious software embedded within email attachments or links that could potentially infect a recipient's device or network.
  • Phishing Attempts: Emails are analyzed for signs of phishing, which is an attempt by cybercriminals to deceive recipients into providing sensitive information such as passwords or financial details by masquerading as legitimate entities. 

Emails classified as malware attacks or phishing attempts will not trigger quarantine notifications for delivery. This is a protective measure to safeguard your system from potential threats.

In addition to scanning for threats like malware and phishing, the system also filters out emails based on:

  • Validation Errors: Emails that do not pass standard authentication checks, such as SPF, DKIM, and DMARC, or those that exhibit signs of spoofing, come from unverified senders, have invalid sender information, or originate from improperly configured servers will be quarantined.
  • Blocklists: Emails sent from addresses, domains, or IPs found on organizational or public blocklists are also considered spam and will be placed in quarantine.
  • Password-Protected Files/Attachments: All incoming emails containing password-protected files will be considered as suspicious and quarantined, as these files cannot be easily inspected during scanning. Attackers often use password protection to conceal malicious content within files, so these emails are treated with caution. Similarly, you cannot send emails with a password-protected file as an attachment. To send a password-protected file, please upload the file to govDrive and include the link in the email content.

Delivering Quarantined Emails

When an email fails security checks, it will be moved to quarantine, and the intended recipient will receive a quarantine notification. This email digest will be sent every 2 hours, containing a link to deliver emails from quarantine. Users can then select which emails they want to deliver by accessing the provided link.


  • You will only be able to approve quarantined emails that are addressed to you. If a particular quarantined email contains multiple recipients, it will be delivered only to the user who approves it.
  • Please note that for emails marked as malware or phishing attempts, you won't receive notifications to deliver them because of security measures.
  • The quarantine alert notification will be sent every 2 hours on a periodic basis, summarizing all emails that have been quarantined during that time.
  • Please note that only the email headers are visible while reviewing quarantined emails. Before approving any email, ensure that you recognize the sender and verify the subject line for legitimacy. Be cautious of unfamiliar senders, suspicious subjects, and any unexpected messages. If in doubt, avoid approving the email, as this can help protect against potential threats like phishing or malware. Your attention to detail is crucial in maintaining security.

Steps to deliver quarantined emails: 

  1. Log in to
  2. Navigate to the notification email containing the details of the quarantined emails in your inbox. An overview of all quarantined emails addressed to you will be displayed.
  3. Click the link provided in the notification email to deliver the emails.
  4. You will be taken to the Incoming Quarantined Emails page, where you can see all emails awaiting your moderation. The following information will be displayed:
    • Sender
    • Recipient
    • Subject
    • Quarantine Reason
    • Date
  5. Click on an email to view the email headers in detail.
  6. Hover over the email and select the Deliver option to deliver the email. The selected email(s) will be delivered to your inbox. Please be cautious before delivering any quarantined email and thoroughly review it to ensure it is safe.
  7. You can also select multiple emails from the list using the selection checkbox and click the Deliver selected option in the top pane to deliver multiple emails at once.

Further, you can also use the Filter option to select the particular validation failure of quarantined emails and filter out those emails which matches the criteria.